Coolest Amusement Park in the Northeast || Knoebels in Elysburg, Pennsylvania

In 2018 we went to Knoebels for the first time together, and had such an incredible time. So, we decided to go back in 2020 and try to have some fun despite the state of affairs.

Check out this video…

I think we all have those places that invoke nothing but beautiful memories. It could be your grandma’s kitchen or the park you played in as a kid. I have so many of those places around the world.

Knoebels is one of them.

In 2018 we took a road trip from Florida to Pennsylvania with our dad/granddad to a family reunion. it’s Jenni writing this blog post, so from here on out he’ll be simply referred to as Granddad.

Granddad hadn’t been to this part of the country in 30 years, so it was quite the road trip experience. He would wake up after a nap and ask us if we were sure we were going the right way because he didn’t recognize anything. Talk about an LOL moment.

On this trip we went to Knoebels, and had such an incredible day. My most vivid memory from the day was riding the haunted mansion. It was a two person car so I rode with Granddad. The entire time I had a tight hold on his arm and was screaming. He had just gotten hearing aids, so no telling how loud I was in his ears. He didn’t reprimand me. He just laughed the entire time.

That was kind fo the relationship we had with him, though.

He believed in us relentlessly. He loved us more than life itself.

That trip was in June 2018. In August he was diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer. In September he passed away.

What I wouldn’t give for a chance to relive that Knoebels day. I wouldn’t change a thing. I just want to feel that way again.

Joanie and Jenni at Knoebels 2018

If you’ve suffered a profound loss in your life, then you understand there are no words that can adequately describe the feelings you experience. I spent the better part of two years not wanting to do anything that reminded me of him.

But 2020 rolled around and I was hit with the realization that he would want exactly the opposite.

So we planned a trip to Knoebels as a party of two instead of three. This blog post is an attempt to document that experience and tell you a bit about this amusement park.

The experience in 2020 was obviously not the same as in 2018, but it was still a blast.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with Knoebels, here’s a little introduction to this place. You can also visit their website to learn more…

It’s free to park and free to enter. That’s obviously the biggest thing that makes this place unique. You could park and walk around at absolutely no cost.

If you want to ride some rides then you can buy individual ride tickets, a book of tickets, or an all day wrist band. This makes it quite a budget friendly experience.

Knoebels also has incredible food! Their cheeseburgers and fries are to die for, y’all.

We were hosted by Knoebels earlier in 2020, so we got to experience most of the rides and the park safely with a mask.

The bottom line is truly that Knoebels is unique. It’s a family favorite for locals, and many people have been coming to the park since they were kids.

My great-grandma worked at the park. Two of my cousins met and fell in love at this park. Most of my cousins and relatives worked here at some point or another.

We all have vivid and different memories about what makes the park special.

On this trip Joanie B. and I had a crazy ride on the Cosmotron and Black Diamond. There was lots of screaming, which you’ll hear if you watch the video.

The train ride is scenic and beautiful.

The ski lift gives you the perfect birds-eye view of the park.

At Knoebels there’s always just an overwhelming sense of love, joy, and friendship all around you. It’s rare to see someone upset or hear anything but laughter and screams of excitement from the rides. It’s just a happy place that makes you happier when you visit.

So next time you’re looking for a getaway, maybe skip the big name spots and opt for something smaller that’ll change you in the best way.

Thanks, Knoebels for having us.

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